Forex Trading
You can also combine trailing stops with Bollinger Bands since this tool also provides clear signals of when to exit a trade with maximum profit. Despite the many advantages of Forex trailing stop orders, traders still face various risks even when using this tool. A vague consideration might maintain that you wait for certain looking […]
Gamestop and AMC certainly dominated news in the investing world during the first half of 2021. If you paid attention to what was happening on Reddit, though, you likely also heard of WallStreetSilver and the silver squeeze. “When there isn’t 100% agreement on a trade, can they still have these effects on the market? You […]
It is true that the current high inflation is a global phenomenon, and that many economies around the world face inflation as high or higher than seen here in the United States. It is also true, in my view, that the current high inflation in the United States is the product of strong demand and […]
However, market liquidity takes a little more than just everyone showing up. Trading volume usually creates liquidity, but supply and demand also play a role in greasing the market’s gears. Buyers and sellers must be balanced for a market to maintain its liquidity. If many investors are all looking to sell the same small-cap stock, […]